Scanyp Agent Command Line

The Scanyp agent facilitates the analysis of projects written in C, C++, .Net, Java, and Python.
Here's the basic usage:

Scanyp.exe --input projectPath --identifier projectKey

For a .Net solution, the command would look like:

Scanyp.exe --input C:\Demo\Netch\Netch.sln --identifier netch

Below is a summary of the command line options available with Scanyp:

  • --input solutionPath: Defines the project's path to be analyzed. This is a required parameter.
  • --perspective perspectiveName: Defines the perspective name for the analysis. If not provided, the default perspective is used. Perspectives denote specific configurations, allowing each project to have several perspectives, each with its unique configuration.
  • --registerPAT securityToken: Adds a security token to grant only authorized users with the PAT token access to analyze the projects. This token is generated in the Scanyp server administration area and must be registered on the user's machine.
  • --serverIP IP: Sets the IP of the Scanyp server. If not specified, the default IP is as indicated in the config.ini file.
  • --port p: Sets the port for the Scanyp server. The default is 3500 unless otherwise specified in the config.ini file.
  • --kind language: The Scanyp agent will, by default, recognize and parse all discovered programming languages in the provided input. If analysis is needed for just one language, this parameter should be used. Possible options are c, c++, dotnet, java, and python.
  • --coverageFolder folder: Denotes the directory containing coverage files produced by other coverage tools.
  • --additionalFolders folder1;folder2: Designates folders containing additional C/C++ include paths or external Java libraries.
  • --excludes regex1;regex2: Provides regex patterns to exclude certain folders or files from the analysis.
  • --pluginsFolder folder: Points to the directory where external analysis tools store their results.
  • --tag mytag: Sets a tag for the specific analysis, which can be helpful for establishing a baseline.
  • --log verbosity: The default setting is 'info'. For more detailed analysis traces, this can be changed to 'debug'.
  • --ps: Displays all analyses performed by Scanyp.
  • --summary analysisId: Displays a summary of a particular analysis. The id for the analysis can be obtained using the scanyp –ps command.
  • --view analysisId: Opens the specified analysis in a browser. The required id can be fetched using the scanyp –ps command.
  • --cloudAccount cloud: If the Scanyp server is on, this parameter must indicate the cloud account.
  • --uploadSource cloud: When the Scanyp server is on, source codes are not uploaded by default. This switch should be used to signal the agent to upload the source to the cloud.